Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Sahba, the b-day boy, me and Mawe, "posando" for the camera. I know this looks like a weird picture, well that was the idea! We were just playing taking pictures, "modeling". We laught at our selfs so much that night.

Another time Mawe was taking this kind of picures to Sahba and me, but we couldn't do it 'cause Mawe was like "si dale un beso a la camara" "quiere a la camara" "digan sexy" lol!!! just imagine Mawe saying this stuff!!! we couldn't stop laughing so we look really weird in those pictures, this is you wont see them here ;) It was really funny!

1 comment:

juliet said...

Si, no me imagino a Mawe diciendo esas cosas! Que vacilon! Me alegra ver que la pasastes de lo mas bien! Te quiero mucho nena! Miss you!
